
Christmas 2024: Learning to Be Simply Childlike... Just Like Scrooge?

I’ve always had a fascination with Charles Dickens’ classic “A Christmas Carol.” From childhood, I’ve seen many retellings of this ghostly holiday tale of miserly transformation (yes, Muppets included), and we even got to reenact a miniature version of our own just a couple months ago. I’ve since acquired a reproduction copy of the original book and spent weeks deep diving into this writing—surprisingly, for the first time—developing a greater appreciation of the author, the story, and even of old Scrooge himself.

As this story takes me back to my youth, including how scary some of those ghosts could be, a different theme has emerged to rival those upsetting apparitions. From memories of his own lonely childhood, to a boy and girl representing Ignorance and Want, to the struggle and faith of Tiny Tim, Scrooge is repeatedly confronted with kids as the spirits push him to process his world as it was, is and may be. Through all his joyless “humbugs,” there is something Scrooge has long forgotten—or, perhaps more accurately, never fully knew. Fear has overshadowed imagination. He has lost what it means to be simply childlike.

It’s no accident, then, that those spirits point Scrooge to Christmas, the very season and celebration designed to remind us of a particularly special child named Jesus. And this child’s story was given to help us reframe our own past, present and future.

Like Scrooge, we might be haunted by our past. But a better story rings out from a more distant time: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,” and, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel,” (or “God with us”). These words precede those proclaimed by angels at Jesus’ birth, “...unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. ...you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” God with us. A baby. This should spark our imagination.

We may be disturbed by our present, becoming classically “Scrooge-like” in response to things happening around or within us. But in Jesus, we see God Himself coming as a child so we can become God’s children too. Even as He grew, rather than growing bitter, Jesus maintained innocence in an unfriendly world—living and loving others as God says we should, forgiving His enemies, giving his whole life, even to the death, so that to everyone who has “believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” If we trust Jesus, He extends His forgiveness to us so we also can forgive and live joyfully.

We might fear our future, like Scrooge forced to face his own mortality. But because of Jesus, we can find even death has no sting. For anyone who receives “the kingdom of God like a child,” He “has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus,” who is “firstborn of the dead.” Dread turns to delight as His return to life guarantees our own.

In the end, Scrooge’s “merry as a school-boy” dancing and delight represent the possibility of childlike belief and joy we can all sometimes forget—or may have never known. Of course, this can all seem like a childish humbug if we’ve lost the plot. If that’s you, ask Jesus to help you learn to trust God and love others in an appropriately childlike way. And I pray you’ll know the joy of having faith like a child in the one who came as a child. 

Merry Christmas!

Scripture (ESV): Isaiah 9:6; 7:14; Luke 2:11-12; John 1:12; 1 Corinthians 15:55; Mark 10:15/Luke 18:17; 1 Peter 1:3; Revelation 1:5


Seeking Shelter in St. Louis: A Ukrainian Church is Born

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." -Psalm 91:1 (ESV)

Two years ago this week, after months of navigating the Uniting for Ukraine program, we were relieved to have our friends on U.S. soil and finally pick them up from the STL airport on July 2.

A lot has happened since that day, including the start of Shelter Church for Ukrainian refugees in May of 2023, with services conducted in a mix of Ukrainian and English to accommodate any who would like to gather with them for worship. Shelter has become a significant place for this community to meet and fellowship together in their own language.

In the following interview, Volodymyr shares how the Lord has worked in his own life and through this now year old church in some extraordinary ways.

If you are in the St. Louis area and know any recent Ukrainian residents, or if you would simply like to visit, all are welcome to attend. Shelter presently meets in Hazelwood, MO on most Sunday afternoons.


A Glory No Darkness Can Overcome // Easter 2024

We’re anticipating a total solar eclipse in the Midwest this April—our second in seven years, no less. If you’ve never witnessed a total eclipse, it can definitely be a fun photo opp, but not even the best equipment can ultimately capture the true experience surrounding such an event.

Day gradually turns to a somewhat eerie, dusk-like appearance as distant stars become visible. Evening insects begin to chirp as though the sun is setting. The last glimpse of sunlight, shining like a diamond, fully fades. Then, in totality, as the sun is overtaken and you can look with the naked eye, a shimmering ring of fire comes alive, dancing around the circle of the moon. This brief pinnacle feels impossible to describe—an awe-inspiring display that understandably drives some to chase these eclipses around the globe. I found the 2017 experience worship-inducing, a glorious thing of beauty in creation I then could not have imagined and now hope to witness once again.*

As the celebration of Easter also approaches, this collective anticipation brings to mind some very particular historical moments of darkness and glory portrayed in the story of Jesus.

First, the darkness. Through a mock trial, Jesus was falsely accused and sentenced to death. At His crucifixion, as He hung suspended between Heaven and Earth, for about three hours, “there was darkness over the whole land...while the sun’s light failed” until He took His last breath. This lengthy and unnatural darkness, coupled with an earthquake and other inexplicable events, caused even some involved in His execution to question who this man really was. His followers had questions too. They had once heard him say, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” But what could this mean now that His life was over? His light was gone.

Three days later, the answer came. As from eclipse totality the moon soon gives way again to the sun’s blinding brilliance, the stone was rolled away from Jesus’ tomb, revealing the power and glory of God as His breath returned. The true light of the world stood radiant, full of life again.

Even in His darkest moment, Jesus was overcoming the darkness we so often see around us and even in us, if we’re honest. It’s a darkness that destroys and divides, ready to overcome us with death, to separate us from our Creator and all we hold dear. Yet in that darkness, though it seemed momentarily obscured, the unfathomable mercy and glory of God was still on magnificent display. Jesus walked through the valley of the shadow of death and allowed the darkness to crush Him, but it could not overcome Him. And He will not allow it to fully overtake anyone who follows Him even today. Instead, He offers His own light to show us who God is and guide us in a better way to live now, and the glory of new life through a resurrection like His to come.

Any sort of eclipse can be fascinating to watch, and the rare beauty of a total eclipse an incredible sight to behold. But knowing the one who arranged sun and moon so precisely to create this effect is truly a glory beyond words. Let this created wonder remind you of the Creator and move you toward Jesus, the true light who “shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome.”

Scripture: Luke 23:44;  John 8:12 & 1:5 (ESV)
Art: An image of the 2017 eclipse from southern Illinois

Will you be able to view the April 8 eclipse where you are? Check your zip code for timing and details.

*(And, praise the Lord, we did! In the same location as last time, no less. Photos below from 2024.)


Resolved to Read God's Word (Updated for 2025)

Ah, those pesky "resolutions." How often we target some day or event—especially that beloved January 1 date so many of us call the new year, and by which so many of us live—stating that's the day we're going to "make that change." This can be a good thing, and it's typically thought of with great intentions. But frequently, and even annually just after a year begins, I hear people complaining they've fallen off whatever wagon they intended to ride. And that can be enough to make us give it all up fast. (Perhaps this is the year to consider a "Rule of Life" instead.) 

For many people, reading the Bible can become one of those "resolutions." And since we do have that handy 365 days in our calendar year, the top of a year or the beginning of a month are not necessarily bad times to get such a thing started.

But where to begin?

In the beginning? Genesis is not a bad idea if you want to go cover to cover. But after the excitement of creation, the sadness of the fall and the action and adventure that follow, a lot of people get bogged down a few books in, frequently for a lack of understanding what they're reading and why it's important. Whether or not that includes you, this should help your study.

For the new believer, the book of John is often suggested as a good place to start. In any of the Gospels, including Matthew, Mark or Luke, you'll get a picture of who Jesus is, frequently by His own words, and how He lived, died and came back to life in an amazing display of perfection and love for His people, which is exactly what the entire collection of 66 books is about.

Another popular standby is to read and pray through the Psalms and/or Proverbs each day.

But if you've already done or tried all that and would like a new approach, yet have no idea what that might look like, perhaps one of the following will help.

Plans and Tools

BibleGateway.com Reading Plans
The page above includes two 61 day overview plans to get you started if a year feels intimidating. There's also a 121 day overview. All three put together would gradually build you up to having spent over half a year in God's Word. Any of these are great recommendations for learning or reviewing major Biblical themes and characters. If you want to go for it, use the full year plan.

Even More BibleGateway.com Plans
Lots of options here. This list gives you 365 day options for Old/New Testament, Chronological, Genesis-Revelation, Historical and New Testament only, plus a few 40 day plans for the coming Lent season. There's even a Bible in 90 days plan and an NT in 24 weeks guide for the particularly ambitious.

Crossway - ESV Podcasts
Crossway offers a variety of ESV podcasts with a few plan options, including 90 days through the New Testament. A couple years ago, I found their "Straight Through the Bible" plan really helpful for using my commute time to focus on God's Word.

ESV has recently overhauled their website, and still offers a variety of daily reading plans of different lengths. They have also added Scripture playlists based on various topics. However, many of these offerings are now subscription based. For accounts based on a previous purchase of the ESV Study Bible, several plans and playlists remain included.

• Ligonier Ministries Reading Plans (Updated for 2025)
A few more options, including a flexible 5 day a week plan, all available to download as PDFs. Ligonier also has suggestions for a basic overview of the Bible for those just getting started.

From Tim Challies' Blog
Here's a bunch of plan ideas shared by Challies a while back, including the why-didn't-I-think-of-that "Change Your Mind" plan. More recently, he continues to be a big fan of the Five Day Bible Reading Plan.

TGC's "Read the Bible"
Daily readings from four different books along with commentary from Don Carson. You can read or listen online, or download a printable PDF to follow along.

The Bible Project
Illustrated video summaries of each book of the Bible, plus series and theme videos to enhance your understanding as you go. They also have their own reading plan and an app to follow.

Bible Reading Plan Generator
Nothing look right for you? Build your own Bible adventure with this handy tool.

Hey, don't get overwhelmed here. The point is, you've got options. Choose one and get in there!

Tips and Tricks

No matter what you pick, as you embark on this journey here are some things to keep in mind:

Pray - Ask God what He wants to show you in the text. Pray the words back to Him as appropriate, or pray along to a Psalm that expresses how you feel right now. Be honest with God. He knows your heart better than you do. Ask Him to show you the truth, and to show you the love and forgiveness of Jesus throughout the Scripture and in your own life.

Look for Jesus - Remember, Jesus is who the Bible is all about. Really. He's in there everywhere, either literally or represented by something or someone. If you are wondering where He is and how to find Him, here's a quick and helpful summary. Seeing Jesus in ways you've never seen Him before will help you get to know Him better, and helps keep you motivated as you understand Who the Bible's really about.

Pick a time/place/plan/style best for you - Do this whenever and wherever you will be least distracted. Pick whatever works best in your current life situation, but pick something. If reading is not your thing, there are plenty of audio Bibles and podcast options, and the ESV site allows you to listen online as well.

Find a friend - This isn't mandatory, but a reading plan is often easier to stick with if you have someone reading with you. That way you can ask each other how you're doing and discuss what you're learning. I once created a private blog to do my study with others, and just being able to interact and comment each day in that way, much like journaling, really helped keep me going. (For 2 whole years even. Never thought I'd say that at the time.) It also helped me think and learn differently.

Don't give up - So you missed a day. Life happens. Just pick it up again wherever you are. 

A Powerful Experience

Let it be known, daily time in God's Word isn't natural to me either. But, by God's grace, from 2010-11 I didn't go a day without. (FYI, we traveled quite extensively during this time, so I made efforts to plan for reading time each day. Even at Disneyland.) This actually started to encourage a friend who wanted to spend more time in Scripture, and having someone to share insights with was a helpful motivator. We were studying along with The Daily Office Lectionary, a 2-year plan which was really helpful as it includes readings from Psalms or Proverbs, Old Testament, New Testament and a Gospel every day. This broadened my understanding of how The Bible is one story pointing to Jesus, the Savior who takes away the sins of His people from every race and era.

This was an amazing journey, and one I most certainly don't regret. I pray all this will encourage you on your own journey in God's amazing Word, and that you find incredible joy in spending more time with the Lord.

(This article originated in 2011 and has been revised to reflect updated plan information.)


Christmas 2023: From a New Birth to All Things Made New

Got a new year’s resolution? As we move through the holidays, you may already be processing what the next year might look like. Whether you’ve gone through a rough season or are just ready for a change, a new year can feel like a fresh start and opportunity for renewal.

Even before we reach the new year, the Christmas story can give pause to consider the fresh start of a brand new life. The entire celebration certainly makes a very big deal about a new birth. And while we might see any newborn as a new life brimming with potential and possibility, everything about the birth of Jesus points us to possibilities of newness and renewal we could have never imagined.

This new birth was both anticipated and surprising. Isaiah, a prophet, declared, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,” some 700 years before angels announced to shepherds, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Through many prophecies and angelic announcements, we get the message that God is doing something new here on Earth—that despite, or even because, we have largely ignored Him, God was coming to be with us in a new way.

Incredibly, Jesus’ birth made a way for us to experience new life and our own rebirth.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Yet it wasn’t just the birth of Jesus that brought this hope, but also His return from death to life, since, “According to his great mercy, (God) has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...” His celebrated birth and return to life point to rebirth and resurrection for anyone who believes Jesus is Lord­—that God truly came to be with us.

Such a rebirth in us also means we are fundamentally renewed. We can no longer simply ignore God, but we can actually know Him and experience the extraordinary love of God. Even through our struggles, it remains true that “...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” This new relationship changes how we relate to God and others, and gives us new hope for the future. Now anyone who knows Jesus can look ahead in anticipation not just of a return to life, but also to the full renewal of our world, as He has already stated, “Behold, I am making all things new.” A rebirth of the whole creation is yet to come, without death or sorrow or pain. And God, who once came to be with us as a brand new baby, will be with His people forever.

I hope you do sense a fresh start and crush any positive goals you might set for the new year. But I pray you experience the ultimate newness—the brand new life that can only come from knowing Jesus Christ.

Scripture: Isaiah 9:6; Luke 2:11; John 3:16;1 Peter 1:3;
2 Corinthians 5:17; Revelation 21:5 (ESV)
Art: pixabay.com


Free Advent Reading Guides

The season of Advent has just begun. Advent is a time for the Church to anticipate the Christmas celebration of Jesus' birth as we also look ahead in anticipation of His return.

If you've not already started one, an Advent reading guide may help encourage you to keep this focus during what is so often a busy time of year.

New for 2023, "The Weary World Rejoices" is now available as a free e-book from the Gospel Coalition.

For other downloadable options, "Good News of Great Joy" and "The Dawning of Indestructible Joy" are available in various formats from Desiring God.

A 31-day Advent Scripture reading plan is available to follow with a free ESV.org account.

For kids, "The Jesus Storybook Bible" has a free downloadable Advent kit, which includes music, coloring pages, ornaments, memory verse cards and more.

Whether you utilize any of these options, or simply enjoy your own time with the Lord in Scripture, I pray you find great joy and encouragement in remembering all we have in Christ today and forever. Praise the Father for the birth and forthcoming return of His Son, Jesus.


From Fragile to Forever: Where the Best of Health Is Found // Easter 2023

It can be a confounding thing to encore a summer of excellent health with a sudden, headlong dive into a new season of medical office visits. They become those kinds of places you’d rather avoid where everybody knows your name. And while it’s rough enough trying to determine the roots of any ailment, one might also fall further down the rabbit hole of navigating a money hungry health industry in search of reasonable rates sans standard healthcare. The entire endeavor grows tiring and time consuming, yet the phrase “be your own advocate” perhaps never rings more true.

While the stories, of course, play out differently, medical misadventures seem recently rampant in sections of my circle. From the obnoxious sinus issue or stomach bug to full-blown hospital stays, health concerns are an unfortunately, if unsurprisingly, common topic. Through it all, the fragility of our physical nature and the frailty of life itself can cross the mind. But this also brings to mind the promise of a cure even beyond any we might hope for now.

It’s in the Easter story this hope is found, but in the most unimaginable way possible. It’s there we see the injury of God’s own Son, Jesus, leading to His death. Somehow, we’re told, He had to be hurt so we could be healed. But since illness and injury abound, and the death rate clearly still stands at one per person, healed how? And in what way?

Looking ahead to what Jesus would do, Isaiah writes, “...he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.” And looking back, Peter puts it like this, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”

Beyond physical healing, these words speak to our relationship with our Creator. We all neglect to live and love God and each other perfectly (a.k.a. “sin”), and we experience all sorts of struggles in our world because of this, including the physical. We owe a debt to the Lord we can’t even pay, and often the more we try to fix things, the more things go wrong. It can all seem utterly hopeless.

Thankfully, Jesus’ death was followed by His return to life. He did live perfectly, and He was willing to be our guarantor, taking the debt we owe on Himself so our relationship with God can be healed. No need to be our own advocates: Jesus stands in that place, even praying for His people. Plus, His physical healing points to the possibility of total healing and resurrection for us too.

Perhaps you’re familiar with the miracles of Jesus, several of which were physical healings. From the blind to the lame, the anemic to the leprous, people’s bodies were restored. In some cases, even people whose hearts had stopped beating altogether. These rare and temporary healings provide glimpses of that greater, eternal healing to come through this particularly Great Physician.

Just before calling his friend, Lazarus, back to life, Jesus says to the man’s sister, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” It’s a great question for us, too.

Undeserved advocacy. Comprehensive healing. Payment in full. All this for those who simply believe and trust Him. And, so, I pray for you the very best of health found only in Jesus Christ.

Scripture: Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, John 11:25-26 (ESV.org)
Art: unsplash.com


Marking A Year of War in Ukraine Under the Arch

On Friday, February 24, a year to the day since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a group of Ukrainians gathered at the St. Louis Arch grounds. They joined in solidarity to share their stories, to celebrate their culture, and to pray for their people and an end to the violence in their homeland.



Christmas 2022: A Wonder One Can Never Outgrow

As a kid, I heard plenty of culturally familiar Christmastime tales you might also recall. But there was one unique to my family that my grandpa who raised ponies would tell. He claimed that starting at the stroke of midnight, as Christmas officially began, he could go out to the barn and speak with those ponies for exactly 1 hour. I always wanted to know what they had to say, but somehow never got to experience this phenomenon myself.

Meanwhile, there was always some ruckus coming from the rooftop near the chimney of our other grandparents’ home on Christmas Eve, as my brother and I eagerly awaited that grandpa’s appearance following his annual private conversation with a jolly visitor.

Whatever your tradition, certainly some of the story and spectacle that so enthralled us in childhood is only right to outgrow. (Well, maybe not the talking ponies.) Still, a danger lies in outgrowing wonder altogether. I’m excited to see amazement reignited for many as we capture new photos from deep space. Yet even in this amazing tech age, such newness can fade fast as we get caught up in daily life or lost in screens—true for both adults and kids.

In thinking about wonder, I can’t help but recall a rather remarkable birth announcement no modern day gender reveal display could top. As some shepherds were out in the field, “...an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’”

This incredible display of light and sound and glory definitely rocked these guys out of a standard night of sheep herding, so much they ran off the job just to find a baby and managed to stir up wonder in everyone who heard their story. But it’s an announcement that should move us to wonder too. This is obviously no ordinary birth, and it’s just at the start of an amazing story of God loving the world so much He came to be with us. The one with the power to create those distant galaxies we’re just glimpsing showed us miracles here on Earth. He taught us what it means to love your enemies, of which we all could be counted as we turn from the wonder of knowing and trusting Him. He displayed self-sacrifice, His life for all who would trust and believe in Him, and in returning to life showed us the new life and peace that can be ours with Him. Those shepherds found an infant named Jesus, and His is a story we who know Him can ultimately never outgrow.

If this sort of wonder is something you’d like, or even something you’ve lost, don’t be afraid to ask for it. Ask God to show you His peace and presence through this good news of great joy. And in this season, I pray you do experience the true wonder of knowing Jesus.

Scripture: Luke 2:9-14, ESV • Art: unsplash.com


Of Mice and Minerals: Unexpected Lessons of a Prayer Retreat

Rock beneath me. Rock above me.
This summer, loaded down with a variety of stressors and noticing my last actual trip to anywhere was in 2019, I desperately needed a vacation. Long road trips tend to help clear my head. But where to go?

During an insomnia-driven 3 a.m. skim of social media, I noted a favorite band's upcoming Hollywood tour date, checked the calendar and realized "we could actually do that." So, despite soaring fuel prices, we hit the road 3 weeks later, trekking from St. Louis as far as Santa Monica on a brand new set of Continentals. It was a fantastic and picturesque trip that helped me shake off the last couple years to some degree. But it clearly wasn't far enough, as we hit the ocean and had to turn back around. I still needed a little something more.
Turns out Route 66 only goes so far. Hello, the Pacific.
Now recognizing the need for some extended alone time with the Lord, I began processing plans for a prayer retreat. A private retreat would be a new experience for me, and I was again unsure exactly how this might look, so I asked Him for direction. After several Missouri spots came up short, I suddenly recalled rumors of some beautiful destinations in Southern Illinois' Shawnee National Forest, a place I'd yet to experience. A brief search yielded cabin lodging available on my choice dates, complete with friendly farm animals and trails right on property. Bonus opps to visit recently relocated friends and a favorite eatery along the way basically sealed the deal. Just a couple days out, I booked a 2 night stay.

I really didn't go with much agenda, other than to pray and do some hiking. Following a visit with the farm animals on that first afternoon, I took a hike around the perimeter and came to my first rock formations, for which the area is known. It was here the Lord brought Psalm 61 to mind, and particularly verse 2, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." This became my theme. From worshiping in song inside Cave-In-Rock with its fantastic acoustics, to the breathtaking beauty of Garden of the Gods at sunset, the psalm was a perfect meditation to pray through at each stop. Long solo hikes during the days, complemented by nights filled with mesmerizing campfires and magnificent stars, kept me solidly focused on the astoundingly creative majesty of Jesus.

From inside Cave-In-Rock, opposite the view above.
Garden of the Gods at sunset. Massive rock structures in this old sea bed.
On my first night in the cabin after quiet time, I sat down to read a book our church was going through thinking this might be a chance to get caught up. After a few sweet moments of quiet, I thought I heard rustling. Seeing nothing, I returned to my reading. The sound came again, and I replaced my glasses just in time to spot it: A mouse! I caught the tiny rodent climbing its way out of a bucket of tchotchkes and fire starter kits on the far side of the room only to scamper toward the bed.

Not knowing quite how to extract said mouse from cabin, I made a quick call to alert my otherwise elusive hosts to the situation. However, before the kind man could arrive, the mouse and I had an encounter somehow ending with its tail in a glue trap, making it an easy catch. With few reasonable options, I placed the helpless creature in a kitchen pot and presented it to my host, who restated, as had his wife, that this had been their first rough season with rodent kind. Offering some additional traps and his promise to try a few preventive measures outside, we departed with apologies. No worries, said I. Mice get into everything.

Around that magic hour of 3 a.m., I half-awoke and soon noted again the sounds of scampering. Another mouse. Toward the beginning of what would be an hour-long, Tom and Jerry style pursuit of Mouse Number Two, I began to wonder what was happening. Wasn't this supposed to be a restful retreat time with the Lord where perhaps I could actually sleep through the night? Instead, I was near to becoming a quite contradictory animal-loving hardened mouse hunter.

It was at this moment the thought occurred: "There will always be a mouse."

Even during what might have been an otherwise peaceful and quiet retreat, there was something disruptive, something to deal with, something to cause incredible distraction. And here I was, quite as I often am, sleeplessly attempting to work out clever ways to resolve the problem. But a critical question was also raised: Could I still keep my focus on the Lord in the midst of it all?

The hunt finally ended with Mouse Number Two caught in the same location as my previous friend and placed in a new kitchen pot on the screened porch outside to be dealt with in the morning.

The next day, I addressed my captive and worked to assist my hosts by various means, including an attempt to block a possible mouse entry point. Even with some delay, I still made it to all desired destinations, continuing my consideration of Psalm 61 and conversing with the Lord.

That afternoon, I reentered the cabin and headed toward the kitchen, pausing as I looked into the restroom. "Oh, hello there," I calmly said to a very-shocked-to-see-me Mouse Number Three, who eventually unfroze and skittered behind the commode. This time I gave a mental shrug and went about my business.

A while later, as I sat at a table to prayer-write through Psalm 61 and journal some of my experience, Mouse Number Three finally came out of hiding and headed for the living area. As it passed I continued writing, noting at some point, "I literally just heard a squeak. Time to pray." In short order, my third little friend ended up caught in the exact same spot as the other two and was similarly collected.

While it first seemed strange that the Lord would present these tiny disruptions among the more substantive rocks, the mice became such a powerful metaphor that people I've shared the story with now keep reminding me of it as they consider their own proverbial "mice" and reactions to distraction.

Personally, this event seemed to highlight the difference between over-processing and trust. I may be able to "clever" my way through many problems, but the Lord is provider of both the intellect and the means to solution. (For those wondering, taking mercy on helpless creatures became part of the story too. Unable to fully achieve "hardened hunter" status, I soon learned the secret to extracting creatures from glue traps: Vegetable oil. And of course the virgin coconut oil was conveniently packed.)

However, despite any success or failure to clear the daily "mice" of life, the Lord also made clear He arranges each situation and I must not lose sight of Him, which can contribute to much of the overwhelm I was feeling just weeks before. There may "always be a mouse," or several, but even if some should appear to be Rodents of Unusual Size, I can always call to Jesus, that high rock and strong tower in whom I can find rest and refuge.

Whatever "mice" you might be dealing with today, I pray you too can see the God who rules over and is present in every circumstance.
Certainly the One who once walked out of a rock-cut tomb has more than proven He can be trusted in any situation.

Praise the Lord for the creative ways He shows Himself through all things, whether road trips, rocks or even rodents.


Resources for Study: The Book of Revelation

This weekend, our church is joining together for a 24-Hour Prayer Vigil, which involves continual prayer at our building as we pray through the Book of Revelation, with focus on a different chapter each hour, and culminating in our worship service on Sunday.

This book can be intimidating or confusing to some, and there are many different interpretations of the text. However, I love this ultimate summary of Revelation from one of my distance mentors, Ed Welch, who fairly expressed it is not a puzzle to be solved, but a picture shouting, quite simply: “Jesus wins."

If you’ve never read Revelation before, or even if you've read it many times, here are a few resources to help you better navigate and pray your way through this amazing book, all about the great King of Kings who was and is and is to come.

The Bible Project Overview: Revelation 1-11

The Bible Project Overview: Revelation 12-22

Nancy Guthrie: “Don’t Fear the Book of Revelation”


The "Uniting for Ukraine" Experience: Guide & Resources

Last Update: 12/4/2023

Before You Read On: If you would like to help a Ukrainian family but are unable to act as a sponsor, we welcome you to join us in supporting our sponsored friends by giving at onrealm.org/chatham/give/ukrainefamily.

You can also help support a family just relocating in 2023 at jcpchurch.org/prokhodov.

Thank you for your support and prayers!

▸ Read and hear more of our story as featured on St. Louis Public Radio

SPONSORS ARE STILL CRITICALLY NEEDED. If you would like to connect with Ukrainians seeking sponsors or are a Ukrainian looking for a U.S. sponsor, please visit ukraine.welcome.us/connect.

A few months ago, I shared an article regarding the war in Ukraine and the need to process this event biblically and prayerfully. Such processing should also move us to action as the Lord directs and allows. Consequently, I now find myself, along with my church, in a unique position to directly support Ukrainian friends via the Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) program.

Having walked through the process of sponsorship, I continue to learn the many complexities of navigating the U4U humanitarian parole program and assisting beneficiaries in the best ways possible. Below, I’ve documented various steps of the program, plus requirements and considerations for sponsors and refugees, in part as a guide for anyone who would like to serve and support Ukrainians through the present crisis.

Since I was able to co-sponsor this family with my church, I am also hopeful some details might provide a model for other churches wishing to serve immigrant and refugee families. A new and similar group model for refugees from other nations is being launched at welcomecorps.org. And I will continue to provide any appropriate updates as we continue learning ways to navigate government systems while monitoring program updates.

What is Uniting for Ukraine?
Per the Uniting for Ukraine page: “Uniting for Ukraine provides a pathway for Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members who are outside the United States to come to the United States and stay temporarily in a two-year period of parole. Ukrainians participating in Uniting for Ukraine must have a supporter in the United States who agrees to provide them with financial support for the duration of their stay in the United States.”

My answer might be: “Uniting for Ukraine is quite an experience.” It’s also an unexpected privilege. I want to begin by encouraging all who are already engaged in this process, along with those considering getting involved with Ukrainian refugees as we welcome them into the U.S. Thank you for your willingness to serve those in need.

Topics are broken into the following sections below:



When the Fighting Is Finally Finished // Easter 2022

As news of war once again dominates headlines, many of us find ourselves longing for real peace. Faced with the reality of yet another unnecessary tragedy, voices are again raised with desire for justice and an end to evil, oppression and death.

Even for those of us not in the middle of a war zone, these desires can be familiar. We all experience various types of battles in our lives. These might stem from issues or disagreements with others, or even from within ourselves. In recent years, we’ve seen a notable increase in general rudeness, lack of love or simple kindness, and even overt lawlessness. Regardless of our circumstances, real peace may feel a far way off.

I appreciate that Jesus is realistic about such trouble. He reminds His followers, “In the world you will have tribulation.” Yet He precedes this statement by encouraging them to find peace in Him, and follows with, “But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) And this overcoming happened in a way those who were with Him never imagined.

While those followers might have expected Jesus to lead them into battle against Roman occupiers, He takes a decidedly different tactic. When one attacks a servant in the garden just before His arrest, trial and execution, Jesus not only says enough to their aggression, but brings healing into the situation. This was a different type of battle—one that He would fight alone and to the death.

“It Is Finished.”
Jesus spoke these words as He died, the fight he had entered now done. His was a battle not simply for an end to human conflict, but to end the conflict between us and God. In our warring on Earth, we see reflected our lack of love for God and even anger against Him. Yet, rather than destroy His enemies, we see the love of God as Jesus allows the sacrifice of Himself instead. And in His return to life, He stands victorious even over death, ready to offer us new life and friendship with Him. This alone is a peace greater than we could have dreamed.

“It Is Done!”

Now we wait to hear these words as we anticipate the end of all battles among humans as well. We find these words in the biblical Book of Revelation 21, where Jesus tells us He is “making all things new.” God will again be with His people, and, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” When the fighting is finally finished, all our longings for real peace and justice, for the end of evil and death, are fulfilled beyond our greatest expectations.

As we wait, and as many of us pray, comfort can be found in Jesus’ victory for anyone who stops fighting God and surrenders to Him. His first cry of completion guarantees His declaration to come. And as Jesus promises His followers, both then and now, we truly can take heart and find peace in Him, the Prince of Peace, who has already overcome and will come to heal our world.

Scripture: ESV.org • Photo: Unsplash.com

Enjoy a related video from bibleproject.com.


Pray for the Lou's "21 Days of Prayer" Guide & Videos

God, tear down wickedness,
raise up righteousness,
send revival
and heal St. Louis.

This was our cry each day for the last 3 weeks.

Pray for the Lou just wrapped up 21 Days of Prayer, an opportunity to learn about different aspects of St. Louis history, and to lament and pray over this region, with focus on the story of Nehemiah chapter 1.

Whether you're just learning about the 21 days or you'd like to revisit any of these snapshots of history, the link to sign up for the prayer guide and videos from each day are shared below.

This is a great resource for anyone wanting to learn a little more about how our past has affected our present, informing our prayers and even showing us ways the Lord might involve us in the city's healing today.

On a personal note, I experienced much disruption from the start of PFTL this year, including vehicle and garage door issues, days of severe leg pain unexplained by doctors, a GPS malfunction and other unusual situations. The theme especially of hindering mobility became too consistent to be coincidental. Yet the Lord was gracious to allow me to push through, most notably during topics of particular significance to me. Many of us involved even peripherally with these prayer movements have experienced various kinds of spiritual warfare, which should serve to remind us that what we are doing is truly significant.

As we continue looking to Jesus to bring His healing and change, my prayers have also been changing. Perhaps especially in the last year, I've increasingly asked the Lord to allow us to really see clear change in St. Louis, and I hear others requesting the same. While any change can take the patience of generations, I've been encouraged by stories I've heard even during these 21 days. As others have prayed for our city before us, the Lord has now called us to care, pray and act in our day. It is a privilege to be even a small part of what He is doing here.

Of our many needs, clearly the greatest has always been to love one another. If only this command had been kept, so many atrocities would have never occurred. So I also pray we begin to genuinely understand, express and experience the love of God within the Church and to our neighbors as we move into what the Lord has next for our city.

Truly, there is Nothing Impossible with Jesus. Keep praying, St. Louis!


Pray for the Lou 2022: Now Entering 21 Days of Prayer

We've just finished up Pray for the Lou Kickoff Week, and it's been an exciting time to pray with believers across our region, culminating this morning in prayer walking in and around STL, with 60 area churches represented, followed by an Outdoor Worship Gathering in Ferguson's January Wabash Park. Highlights from all this are shared below.

This is the third year for Pray for the Lou, which started on 3/14/20 as a single day, last year becoming a week of prayer, and this year we are just about to launch into 21 Days of Prayer.

From March 13 to April 2 will be a time to learn, lament and pray over places of St. Louis history that affect us still today, with focus on the story of Nehemiah chapter 1. You can also sign up for a downloadable prayer guide called "Tears for St. Louis."

Each day includes the following opportunities, in which anyone is welcome to participate:
‣ Morning: Live Prayer + Devotional Video, 9 a.m. available on the PFTL Facebook page.
‣ Noon: Prayer Walking, 12 p.m. Find location details here.
‣ Night: Corporate Prayer + Worship Time, 7 p.m. at the following locations:

• Nights 1-7 (March 13-19) - First Baptist of Ferguson, 333 N. Florissant Rd.
• Nights 8-21 (March 20-April 2) - Gateway House of Prayer, 4646 S Lindbergh Blvd.
• Live stream also available on the PFTL Facebook page.

Please take advantage of these opportunities as you are able. We continue to see God move in St. Louis, and even today I heard stories of and personally experienced unexpected connections among His people. Even through the bad, we see the good of the Lord moving here.

A motto from our 1904 World's Fair, which became one for the city, was "Nothing Impossible." Pray for the Lou has adopted this motto, as we know with God, all things are possible. We look to the resurrection power of Jesus to heal the broken places of our city. Join us as we continue to pray for St. Louis.

Here are those Kickoff Week highlights...


From Cold War to Communion: A Psalm for Ukraine

As briefly stated in my previous post, the present situation in Ukraine has deeply affected me in unanticipated ways, and through some increasingly clearly God-ordered circumstances.

My generation, as others before, grew up with constant talk of the Soviet threat. It permeated our pop culture, from less than subtle representation in even our cartoon bad guys to overt mentions by artists like Sting, whose 1985 release has been on replay in my head for days. As children, we were convinced of a common enemy. Yet by high school, we were enthralled with news of change happening on the other side of the world surrounding the fall of the Iron Curtain. We were ready for new exchanges of ideas and culture. Ready to be friends. Ready for peace. Among other artifacts, I even had the t-shirt to prove it. "мир и дружба," it read. "Peace and friendship."

At that point, I had little to no direct connection to that part of the world. It would also be some years before I truly believed in Christ. So I could have never imagined the Lord might be using those youthful concerns and more as a precursor for things much later to come. I am the last person who then would have expected the privilege of working in ministry for now nearing 20 years. Nor could I have anticipated the last several serving alongside one Ukrainian born, getting to exchange stories of what it was like growing up in a parallel time, getting to share uniquely cultural concepts and celebrations, getting to know family and friends who once lived or still serve there. Suddenly, the дружба was real.

Now we find ourselves thrown into a new era, one filled with echoes of the old, mourning together an unprovoked war that we, along with so much of the world, understand simply should not be. What were once the general concerns of youth are now specifically personal, with names and faces attached. And while I grieve, I find myself thankful not only for this unanticipated connection in crisis, but the equally unexpected ability I never had as a kid to pray and process these events as a Christian and with other Christians, all bringing significant views to bear as we look to the Lord.

As I consider various perspectives, it seems no surprise the Book of Psalms has been a great source of focus and encouragement for many, as so much of it gives voice to such emotions as sadness, distress and anger alongside trust in the Lord, particularly in times of evil and unjust attack. A friend has shared snippets of Psalm 36 and Psalm 37 while attempting to head west away from heavy fighting. As the country began to anticipate the reality of an impending invasion, others reported a run on Bibles to the point that demand outpaced supply altogether. One man said he was sharing especially Psalm 31:21 with anyone he could, and I share this psalm in its entirety below as I too spend time with these words.

It's valuable to read any psalm from a variety of angles, including the author's and certainly our own. These might be helpful words to guide our prayers especially for Christians caught up in this war. But even more significantly, so much here anticipates Jesus' own story of unjust attack, including words He said on the cross. Even as we ask and wait for His rescue and vindication, it is in Christ's ultimate, resurrected victory against evil and death that we now find the hope in God expressed throughout. And just as the man sharing with others in Ukraine did, I hope my friends and many others find encouragement here as well.

Psalm 31 (ESV)
    In you, O LORD, do I take refuge;
        let me never be put to shame;
        in your righteousness deliver me!
    Incline your ear to me;
        rescue me speedily!
    Be a rock of refuge for me,
        a strong fortress to save me!
    For you are my rock and my fortress;
        and for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me;
    you take me out of the net they have hidden for me,
        for you are my refuge.
    Into your hand I commit my spirit;
        you have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God.
    I hate those who pay regard to worthless idols,
        but I trust in the LORD.
    I will rejoice and be glad in your steadfast love,
        because you have seen my affliction;
        you have known the distress of my soul,
    and you have not delivered me into the hand of the enemy;
        you have set my feet in a broad place.
    Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am in distress;
        my eye is wasted from grief;
        my soul and my body also.
    For my life is spent with sorrow,
        and my years with sighing;
    my strength fails because of my iniquity,
        and my bones waste away.
    Because of all my adversaries I have become a reproach,
        especially to my neighbors,
    and an object of dread to my acquaintances;
        those who see me in the street flee from me.
    I have been forgotten like one who is dead;
        I have become like a broken vessel.
    For I hear the whispering of many—
        terror on every side!—
    as they scheme together against me,
        as they plot to take my life.
    But I trust in you, O LORD;
        I say, “You are my God.”
    My times are in your hand;
        rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors!
    Make your face shine on your servant;
        save me in your steadfast love!
    O LORD, let me not be put to shame,
        for I call upon you;
    let the wicked be put to shame;
        let them go silently to Sheol.
    Let the lying lips be mute,
        which speak insolently against the righteous
        in pride and contempt.
    Oh, how abundant is your goodness,
        which you have stored up for those who fear you
    and worked for those who take refuge in you,
        in the sight of the children of mankind!
    In the cover of your presence you hide them
        from the plots of men;
    you store them in your shelter
        from the strife of tongues.
    Blessed be the LORD,
        for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me
        when I was in a besieged city.
    I had said in my alarm,
        “I am cut off from your sight.”
    But you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy
        when I cried to you for help.
    Love the LORD, all you his saints!
        The LORD preserves the faithful
        but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride.
    Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
        all you who wait for the LORD!

We wait on Him alone, friends. As evil again disrupts the peace we so long for, the cries of His people do not go unheard by the Prince of Peace, who will bring His rule and justice. Be strong, and let your hearts take courage in Jesus as together in the Lord we cry out for Ukraine.

Top art: Ukrainian Field by Olga Subach on Unsplash


Pray for Ukraine: Reflections From a Friend

As I have watched events unfold in Ukraine these past few days and weeks, I've experienced a few familiar feelings. Any incidence of violence or unrest has always deeply disturbed me, even half a world away. But it is a starkly different thing to experience such events alongside people you love and care for who are directly affected, people present in the U.S. and others stuck in the middle of a war zone. Of course your heart hurts more. Your prayers go deeper. You might understand a little more the desire to lay down your life for your friends.

As we trust the Lord for what we see, especially at a distance, often word and prayer are our primary weapons to help in battle, and we should wield both well. The words below were shared to our congregation yesterday by my friend, co-laborer and pastor of our church here in St. Louis, Sergei Marchenko. Born and raised in Kiev, his unique perspective is all the more profound in this time, and may help you to process and pray differently as well. 

The following is shared unedited and by permission.

Pray for Ukraine

This has been a surreal experience for me. I am here in St. Louis, a U.S. citizen (as of last June), a pastor of an American church watching on the screen of my laptop as historic events unfold in the country of my youth. What is happening was impossible to imagine despite all the warnings. It is still hard to believe. There is a war happening on the European soil involving an imperial power attempting to occupy and control a free peaceful nation. There are tanks on the ground, ballistic missiles targeting major cities, bombed-out schools, air raid sirens, weeping mothers, and evil, real evil.

So many emotions… Anger at Putin and the Russian army, admiration for Ukrainian heroes, grief over thousands of people killed and many more thousands displaced, disbelief at blatant lies presented and believed as “the truth,” longing to be in the beautiful city where I grew up, desire to fight, worry over family and friends in bomb shelters and traffic jams, dismay at scheming politicians, hope in God and trust in his sovereign good plan.

Another aspect of my surreal experience is that it came only three days after I finished preaching on the book of Habakkuk. For seven Sundays, I talked about the certainty of the Babylonian invasion of Judah and the possibility of hope in the worst circumstances. I proclaimed that God uses invasions and other evil things to achieve his good purposes for the people he loves. I preached that all evil, including ruthless invaders, will be punished; that justice and peace will come because God will not rest until all creation is restored. I talked about Jesus Christ who experienced the most horrific invasion when he willingly subjected himself to the experience of divine fury for us sinners. And I called my church to live by faith in this crucified and risen Savior and allow our own hearts to be so invaded by his love that we can rejoice no matter what happens. And so now I must remember what I preached. I must believe in Habakkuk 3:17–19:

Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.

In light of what we can learn from Habakkuk, please pray with me

• For God to accomplish his purposes
• For Christians to live by faith
• For a spiritual awakening among unbelievers in Ukraine and Russia
• For justice and peace to prevail
• For violence to stop
• For evil to be punished
• For power to be used for righteousness

I highly recommend the referenced 7-part series "Habbakuk: Trusting God With a Troubled Heart," which can be found here by searching "Habakkuk" under the series droplist and dating from January 9.

Thank you for praying for Ukraine.

Related: "From Cold War to Communion: A Psalm for Ukraine"